Processing method type


Is it possible to read the processing method type from a CC? A want to know if it is AreaPercent or Quantitative method. (If the user uses a wrong type, an msgbox will warn him/her)



  • Hello,

    You might be able to infer it from another value like Injection_DAMethodQuantitationType but method type is not stored as a directly accessible value. Also, even if it was available custom calculator would not allow that type of user interaction. 

    Marty Adams

  • Yes, from DAMQ you can read something, but when you want to do something with this value, the CC will be halted...  BTW i can give any messages to the user, like there is missing something from the seq or etc... 

    function ()

    IF 'something happens' THEN MSGBOX("some info about the error",vbCritical, "Warning!!")

    end function ()

    You should insert this in a hidden SEQ Type cc, thats all.

  • Hello,

    I am not sure this gets you exactly what you want but it does seem to work in principle. I have not really used complex vb code in CC mostly just linq statements to aggregate and filter data, I typically use VB with IR where I can create a dll and access the functions.  

    Marty Adams 

    function ()
    IF Injection_QuantitationMethodUsedForProcessing <> 2 THEN MSGBOX("Incorrect Method Selected " + Choose(Injection_QuantitationMethodUsedForProcessing + 1, "Undefined", "Area%", "ESTD", "ESTD%", "Height%", "ISTD", "ISTD%", "Norm%"),vbCritical, "Warning!!")
    end function ()

  • Hello,

    I am not sure this gets you exactly what you want but it does seem to work in principle. I have not really used complex vb code in CC mostly just linq statements to aggregate and filter data, I typically use VB with IR where I can create a dll and access the functions.  

    Marty Adams 

    function ()
    IF Injection_QuantitationMethodUsedForProcessing <> 2 THEN MSGBOX("Incorrect Method Selected " + Choose(Injection_QuantitationMethodUsedForProcessing + 1, "Undefined", "Area%", "ESTD", "ESTD%", "Height%", "ISTD", "ISTD%", "Norm%"),vbCritical, "Warning!!")
    end function ()

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