System Suitability Reporting

Quick question, did not see an answer to here; the instructions imply a "no"... Is there system suitability reporting in OpenLab CDS 2.5, such as in a Flexar system, which puts your SST results into a table with RSD's?

Currently spending 20minutes each morning to hammer in 324 numbers into an excel spreadsheet. Thanks, PJ

  • HI

    I'm sure that you could build a sequence summary report that contained the data and statistics that you're currently doing in Excel.

    If you're SSTs include replicates to measure RSD for peak area, a Compound Summary table, with a filter applied such that the table contains only the required injections could be used.  Delete the unnecessary columns, and make sure that RSD is calculated for the appropriate column as a Summary Calculation for that column.



  • HI

    I'm sure that you could build a sequence summary report that contained the data and statistics that you're currently doing in Excel.

    If you're SSTs include replicates to measure RSD for peak area, a Compound Summary table, with a filter applied such that the table contains only the required injections could be used.  Delete the unnecessary columns, and make sure that RSD is calculated for the appropriate column as a Summary Calculation for that column.



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