Openlab 2.4 Installation Error



I'm having an important issue with Openlab CDS 2.4 File based Workstation.


Installing v2.3 goes without any error, and I can completely connect and control a GC 6890N.



When updating to 2.4, I get a Install error on the GC/MS line


Running the Software Verification tool give me no error. Every thing says "OK" (logs will be included in this thread)


And then, on version 2.4, I can connect to my GC 6890N, see the online signal, import a method from the GC, but I'm totally UNABLE TO SEND A METHOD to the GC. 

This update to v2.4 make my GC unusable.


I tried to repair the installation with no success. Deleting v2.3 and installing 2.4 without going from 2.3 gives the same error. I also tried to install on a different HDD drive, but still same error.


I don't know what to do. Why is 2.3 ok and 2.4 fails ?


I'm including the GC/MS error log if you can see what goes wrong.


Thanks for your help.


  • So... Martin Brunet has just left our facilities.


    - GC firmware is at N.06.07 


    - We got one step further with the installation of version 2.4. We were able to install v2.4 without the GCMS Driver error by switching Windows Region and Language from French to English.


    - BUT, we have the same issue --> the GC doesn't execute a downloaded method.


    - We tried with all firewall off but it didn't help.


    - Software verification tool all PASS


    - Martin has left without being able to fix our issue unfortunately.


    This takes me to our wonderful world of the only french speaking province in North America ! We have a law in Quebec province where French has to be the main language spoken and used at work. This also implies that we are somewhat forced to use a French version of Windows. I know that Agilent actively recommends an English Windows version.

    My ultimate try will be to ask our IT group to wipe our windows installation and to give me an English version of windows, and I'll start over from there.


    Other than this, between me and Martin, we have no more idea.


    Best regards, 



  • Hi Francois,

    Let me see if there is anything else that can be done to fix this issue.


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