Openlab 2.4 Installation Error



I'm having an important issue with Openlab CDS 2.4 File based Workstation.


Installing v2.3 goes without any error, and I can completely connect and control a GC 6890N.



When updating to 2.4, I get a Install error on the GC/MS line


Running the Software Verification tool give me no error. Every thing says "OK" (logs will be included in this thread)


And then, on version 2.4, I can connect to my GC 6890N, see the online signal, import a method from the GC, but I'm totally UNABLE TO SEND A METHOD to the GC. 

This update to v2.4 make my GC unusable.


I tried to repair the installation with no success. Deleting v2.3 and installing 2.4 without going from 2.3 gives the same error. I also tried to install on a different HDD drive, but still same error.


I don't know what to do. Why is 2.3 ok and 2.4 fails ?


I'm including the GC/MS error log if you can see what goes wrong.


Thanks for your help.


  • Hello,


    Does this 6890N have a MSD connected to it, or are you just using 2D detectors on the GC? If you do not have a MSD then the GC/MS drivers should not be causing any issues. Looking over the SV reports you attached, the OpenLab CDS application appears to have installed successfully with the exception of the GC/MS drivers which do not appear to be installed:



    Again, that should not really be a problem if you are not trying to connect to a GC/MS system. The GC/MS Instrument Driver rev 1.3 is available as a standalone driver on subscribenet if you want to try manually installing the driver to see if that makes any difference. 


    Do you receive an error message when you attempt to download a method to your 6890N in OpenLab CDS 2.4? What firmware rev is loaded on your 6890N (can check by hitting [Status] then [Clear] on the instrument's front keypad)? If you check the instrument status from the 6890 front keypad, is the GC showing as being Ready or is it in a fault state (e.g. front inlet pressure shutdown, back detector failed to ignite, etc...)?

  • Thanks once again Ryoboyle for your quick help.


    GC firmware is N.05.06

    No MS is installed. Only a FID.


    I do not receive any error message when downloading a method to the GC. 

    Activity log show me that it was Downloaded. Message appears the same with the upload or download method.


    Let's say the GC is in it's standby state 150°C, 0.5mL/min, FID flame off, and I send a 200°C 150°C, 0.5mL/min, FID flame ON method, the GC will stay in it's ready state at 150°C. It kinda does not listen to the downloaded method. If I try a blank run with that 200°C "downloaded" method, the GC will start it's analysis, but it will stay in it's standby state with FID off and will start Aquiring ! I cannot make the GC follow any "downloaded method, it will always stay in a Ready state.

    It's quite weird to see going !


    In the meantime, I'll try to install that GC/MS driver on the side to see what happens !


    Thanks a LOT !



  • Your GC firmware is a big red flag. The only supported 6890N firmware revision for use with OpenLab CDS 2.4 is rev N.06.07. Please try updating the firmware to N.06.07 and see whether you still have the same issues after the fw update. If you have any ALS towers and trays installed on the GC, I also recommend that you check their firmware and update to the latest fw rev if they are also out of date. 

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