Compound LOD and LOQ in OpenLab CDS-Chemstation

I’m running OpenLab CDS Chemstation Edition C.01.09. I would like my final report to display “Not Detected” if the value is less than the LOD, and “< LOQ” if less than the LOQ...otherwise, display the calculated value.


The only way I could figure out to do this was to add two Compound Custom Fields to the method. One for LOQ and one for LOD. Then these can be specified for each compound. Unfortunately, it appears that these have to be manually entered for each sample when the sequence is created, and copying one sample to another row does not copy this information. There does not seem to be a way to copy a table of values from word or excel into this table. I have been able to alter my report to use any value given in these fields to display the text as I want.


Despite these difficulties in getting initial values I to the fields, is this the best way to accomplish this?


i do see that there is a part of the Run Time Checklist labeled “Update Custom Fields Values”. Is there an example Macro that I can use to populate these fields prior to report generation?

  • Hi Beakerboy,


    I can understand your frustration regarding the Custom Field Values as I experienced exactly the same thing. Below you can find my solution which I think it works much better when you need to updates LOD and/or LOQ values. Fortunate enough that you are using C.01.09 version which supports "custom code" to read an external file.


    1. Create a txt file with the name of your choice (i called it Parameters.txt and will use it throughout the steps below). Note that each column should be separated by a tab (or any other delimiters but tabs just make each column look clear). Enter your compound names and LOD, LOQ values. Save the file.


    2. Copy the file to a location which can easily be assessed (usually I choose the RepStyle folder).

    3. Go to Report Layour and load your template.

    4. Go to Edit --> Report Properties --> Code and copy the codes below. Make sure the A, B and C are spelled exactly the same as in your calibration table.


    5. Now you can extract LOD or LOQ values for all compounds by using this expression "=Val(code.LOD(compound_name))" or "=Val(code.LOQ(compound_name))

    6. Perform any comparisons you need with IIF statement, for example "=iif(compound_amount < val(code.LOD(compound_amount)), "Below LOD", compound_amount)"


    Hope this helps.

    Peter Tran.

  • Hi Beakerboy,


    I can understand your frustration regarding the Custom Field Values as I experienced exactly the same thing. Below you can find my solution which I think it works much better when you need to updates LOD and/or LOQ values. Fortunate enough that you are using C.01.09 version which supports "custom code" to read an external file.


    1. Create a txt file with the name of your choice (i called it Parameters.txt and will use it throughout the steps below). Note that each column should be separated by a tab (or any other delimiters but tabs just make each column look clear). Enter your compound names and LOD, LOQ values. Save the file.


    2. Copy the file to a location which can easily be assessed (usually I choose the RepStyle folder).

    3. Go to Report Layour and load your template.

    4. Go to Edit --> Report Properties --> Code and copy the codes below. Make sure the A, B and C are spelled exactly the same as in your calibration table.


    5. Now you can extract LOD or LOQ values for all compounds by using this expression "=Val(code.LOD(compound_name))" or "=Val(code.LOQ(compound_name))

    6. Perform any comparisons you need with IIF statement, for example "=iif(compound_amount < val(code.LOD(compound_amount)), "Below LOD", compound_amount)"


    Hope this helps.

    Peter Tran.

  • Judging just from the look of it 's post is the way to go.

    Here is Peter's code as copy-able text:



    Public Function getparameter(compound_name as string) as object
       Dim comp_name(3) as string 'Numbers of compounds
       comp_name(0) = "A"
       comp_name(1) = "B"
       comp_name(2) = "C"
       Dim i as integer
          For i = 1 to 3 'Numbers of compounds
          Select case compound_name
             Case is = comp_name(i-1)
                      getparameter = System.IO.File.ReadA11Lines("C:\Users\Pub1ic\Documents\ChemStation\RepSty1e\Parameters.txt")(i)
          End select
          Next i
    End function

    Function LOD(compound_name as string) as single
       LOD = choose (2, split(getparameter(compound_name), vbtab)))
    End function

    Function LOQ(compound_name as string) as single
       LOQ = choose (3, split(getparameter(compound_name), vbtab)))
    End function



    If you test it, please let me know if it works as intended.




  • Has an excellent suggestion that I modified. I made everything a little more generic. My tab-delimited file is created with a row of parameter names, then rows of data like he suggested:


    Name   LOD   LOQ   aroma

    butyric acid   .2   .8   cheese

    diacetyl   .8   .9   butter


    Then I can get any value by using =Code.getParameter(Compound_Name, {parameter}), using the name of the column (LOD, LOD or aroma) in this case. The advantage of my snippet is that the VBA does not need to change if the number of compounds in the table changes, or if new parameters are added, or if the table is rearranged. The only requirement is the compound name in in the first column.

    ' Function: getParameter
    ' Find a value for a compound in a lookup table
    ' Parameters:
    '    compound_name - name of the compound
    '    parameter_name - name of the parameter
    ' Returns: the value of the parameter for this compound
    Public Function getParameter(compound_name as string, parameter_name as string) as String
      Dim parameter_number as integer
      parameter_number = 0

      ' Get the data as an array of arrays
      Dim lookup_table as Object
      lookup_table = buildLookupTable()

      Dim title_row as Object
      title_row = lookup_table(0)

      Dim i as integer
      i = 0

      ' Scan the top row for which column has the requested data
      Dim table_field as String 
      For Each table_field in title_row
       If  table_field = parameter_name Then parameter_number = i
       i = i +1

      ' Scan the remaining rows for the row that matches the compound name, and extract the correct column
      Dim line_row as Object
      Dim found_parameter as String
      found_parameter = ""

      For Each line_row in lookup_table
        If line_row(0) = compound_name Then found_parameter = line_row(parameter_number)
      getParameter = found_parameter
    End function

    ' Function: buildLookupTable
    '   Create an array of arrays of the data in a tab delimited file
    ' Return: array of arrays
    Function buildLookupTable() as Object
      Dim text_lines as Object
      text_lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\Users\Public\Documents\ChemStation\RepStyle\compound_parameters.txt")
      Dim rows as integer
      rows = UBound(text_lines)
      Dim lookup_table as object
      Redim lookup_table (rows)
      Dim i as integer
      i = 0
      Dim text_line as object
      For Each text_line in text_lines
        lookup_table(i) = split(text_line, vbtab)
        i = i + 1
     buildLookupTable = lookup_table
    End Function
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