chem station failed to initalize

using ChemStation for HPLC 1260 infinity.  Get the "ChemStation failed to initialize and will shut down" error.  Already tried renaming the user.config file and it still did not work. any help would be appreciated. using Windows 7


  • Hi cnelson

    we faced this problem before one month in GC6890N when trying  to launch instrument we get error message below

    It is exactly the same your error message.

    we solve this problem by restore our PC to the earliest date(point) when the GC was working without this problem.

    because when restore PC you revert your device settings to an earlier point in time to fix the problem without losing your files.

    Are you able to ping IP address to your GC ? if not you should check IP for PC and GC.

    I hope this help you.



  • Hi cnelson

    we faced this problem before one month in GC6890N when trying  to launch instrument we get error message below

    It is exactly the same your error message.

    we solve this problem by restore our PC to the earliest date(point) when the GC was working without this problem.

    because when restore PC you revert your device settings to an earlier point in time to fix the problem without losing your files.

    Are you able to ping IP address to your GC ? if not you should check IP for PC and GC.

    I hope this help you.



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