Cary 5000 software not loading properly (everything is blank). Help?

Our Cary 5000 (2022) software isn't loading properly despite restarting the program and PC (Windows 10). Program window says "Scan - online" in the application bar and the toolbar/menu bar are displayed, but otherwise no typical values displayed that you would expect upon instrument initialization. We are regular users, and have never encountered this issue before. Any ideas? Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • If the system allows you to login your SCM Nexus database is working. It appears all your SQL functions are not working. Make sure you SQL services came up with your reboot. If it's SQL express, it has a limit to the total size of the database if you've really used it constantly, for a lot for a long time, maybe SQL Express if full? Check the services first, the problem looks like a problem with the SDA database which is SQL. Good luck.

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