Uv-Vis Chemstation - report files



Where are the standard report style files located (.frp) ?


I want to make a custom report in advanced mode based on the "fixed wavelength report" in the standard mode.


The advanced mode report styles are found in the folder  C:\Chem32\uvexe\RepStyles\ but apart from having non-descriptive file names, the "fixed wavelength report" seems not to be included among the files.


Maybe it is possible to change the default report with a macro ?


Any suggestions welcomed.


Regards, Pétur Ari

  • Hi

    To set up the information from the "fixed wavelength report" in standard mode in your custom report in the advanced mode here is a resume of the system variables needed and simple guidelines for the macro.


    Define a USR_macro$ (that is a string macro) in a text

    1. Put a text box on the report -> choose the  "user defined macro" type from the list

    2. Name your macro in the "USR_ " field

    3. Save a notepad .txt file as a .mac file to use for the macro ("choose file") -> open that file  ("edit macro")


    To get the information use this simple code for the .mac file for each text box, just use a different variable$ and macro$ names for each macro.


    Name USR_mymacro$

    variable$ = systemvariable$

    Return variable$



    system variable examples (to put in after "variable$ = " in the macro code)


    method name and file:

    _MethPath$ + MethFile$


    method information - last changed:

    ObjHdrText$(METH_DESCRIPT, LastUpdate)


    method information - instrument:

    ObjHdrText$(METH_DESCRIPT, Instrument)


    spectra file path and file (.SD):

    _DataPath$ + _DataFile$


    advanced file path and file (.AR):

    _ResPath$ + _ResFile$


    Hope that other users are willing to share their code in this forum.


    Regards, Pétur Ari

  • Hi

    The debugging program does not work with the security pack installed.

    In addition, the debugging program is very old, is the work of a single programmer and has not been updated in years.

    Some help available using the registry utility from the utility folder on the disk.

    The command line is not accessible with the security pack - unless making changes to the configuration - complicating things further.


    The UV-VIS Chemstation software has archaic design and is full of minor bugs and counterintuitive software design/flow/limitations.


    As the years go by, it is simply no longer proper sales policy to offer this software with a new instrument.


    I strongly urge Agilent to bring the software into modern times with a thorough makeover/update in style with OpenLab Chemstation.


    The instrument (Cary 8454 UV-Vis Diode Array system) is very good and deserves better software with it.


    Regards, Pétur

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