Uv-Vis Chemstation - report files



Where are the standard report style files located (.frp) ?


I want to make a custom report in advanced mode based on the "fixed wavelength report" in the standard mode.


The advanced mode report styles are found in the folder  C:\Chem32\uvexe\RepStyles\ but apart from having non-descriptive file names, the "fixed wavelength report" seems not to be included among the files.


Maybe it is possible to change the default report with a macro ?


Any suggestions welcomed.


Regards, Pétur Ari

  • Hi

    To set up the information from the "fixed wavelength report" in standard mode in your custom report in the advanced mode here is a resume of the system variables needed and simple guidelines for the macro.


    Define a USR_macro$ (that is a string macro) in a text

    1. Put a text box on the report -> choose the  "user defined macro" type from the list

    2. Name your macro in the "USR_ " field

    3. Save a notepad .txt file as a .mac file to use for the macro ("choose file") -> open that file  ("edit macro")


    To get the information use this simple code for the .mac file for each text box, just use a different variable$ and macro$ names for each macro.


    Name USR_mymacro$

    variable$ = systemvariable$

    Return variable$



    system variable examples (to put in after "variable$ = " in the macro code)


    method name and file:

    _MethPath$ + MethFile$


    method information - last changed:

    ObjHdrText$(METH_DESCRIPT, LastUpdate)


    method information - instrument:

    ObjHdrText$(METH_DESCRIPT, Instrument)


    spectra file path and file (.SD):

    _DataPath$ + _DataFile$


    advanced file path and file (.AR):

    _ResPath$ + _ResFile$


    Hope that other users are willing to share their code in this forum.


    Regards, Pétur Ari

  • Hi

    To set up the information from the "fixed wavelength report" in standard mode in your custom report in the advanced mode here is a resume of the system variables needed and simple guidelines for the macro.


    Define a USR_macro$ (that is a string macro) in a text

    1. Put a text box on the report -> choose the  "user defined macro" type from the list

    2. Name your macro in the "USR_ " field

    3. Save a notepad .txt file as a .mac file to use for the macro ("choose file") -> open that file  ("edit macro")


    To get the information use this simple code for the .mac file for each text box, just use a different variable$ and macro$ names for each macro.


    Name USR_mymacro$

    variable$ = systemvariable$

    Return variable$



    system variable examples (to put in after "variable$ = " in the macro code)


    method name and file:

    _MethPath$ + MethFile$


    method information - last changed:

    ObjHdrText$(METH_DESCRIPT, LastUpdate)


    method information - instrument:

    ObjHdrText$(METH_DESCRIPT, Instrument)


    spectra file path and file (.SD):

    _DataPath$ + _DataFile$


    advanced file path and file (.AR):

    _ResPath$ + _ResFile$


    Hope that other users are willing to share their code in this forum.


    Regards, Pétur Ari

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