Webinar - Modular UV-Vis Spectroscopy: A Smart and Scalable Approach to High-Performance Analysis

Cary 3500 UV-Vis with 3 Different Sampling Modules

UV-Vis spectroscopy is a well-established technique in many laboratories. For decades, laboratories have adapted to pain points associated with UV-Vis workflows such as daily instrument warm-up, yearly lamp replacement, and slow and cumbersome temperature control systems.

In this webinar, Dr. Mathieu Rault, Cary 3500 Product Manager for Agilent Technologies, will present the Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis spectrophotometer series, developed from the ground-up to address these pain points and go beyond traditional user experiences. The Cary 3500 UV-Vis solution is a modular system that offers laboratories several benefits such as scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency, as well as high analytical performances when measuring liquid and solid samples.

Each module has been designed and optimized depending on the sample type and analytical objectives. The modular design and software remove the burden of performing optical alignment procedures and the time and effort to recalibrate the instrument each time a module is changed. Swapping modules is quick, simple, and easy, allowing users to address specific application needs with tailored UV-Vis solutions.

Dr. Rault will also highlight UV-Vis applications for liquid and solid samples to illustrate the benefits of the instrument’s modular design.

Key learning objectives

  • Explore the benefits of using a modular UV-Vis spectrophotometer system in a laboratory setting to gain flexibility and increase cost efficiency
  • Understand how modular UV-Vis spectroscopy can benefit liquid sample analysis, such as offering simultaneous measurement of up to seven samples, small volume measurement, and characterization of solid samples.
  • Discover how the Cary 3500 smart modular design solution will help laboratories to achieve more, while reducing traditional UV-Vis spectroscopy pain points

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