I'm trying to use the Agilent MassHunter Molecular Structure Correlator (v 8.1, build but am getting unhandled exception errors in the software.
For the data file, I used a result that was found by AutoMSMS in Compound Discovery (Qualitative Analysis 10.0), then assigned potential compound names from a custom PCDL library with suspect compounds.
I generated a .cef file for one of the compounds using Qualitative Analysis 10.0 --> Export --> as CEF --> Only highlighted results from one of the data files
I created a new project and selected the .cef file. The compound appears to be loaded correctly in the left pane, and MFG results appear good when right-clicking the compound and selecting "View MFG result."
If I try to impose a formula, the unhandled exception error occurs.
For the structure source, I've tried selecting Molfile files, and also alternatively a PCDL that had a compound list with all the mol files added for the compound structures.
When I try to click Run for either structure source, I also get the unhandled exception error.
Here's some information from the error box:
"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application.
Invalid Argument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'.
Parameter name: SelectedIndex."
I can copy more details from the error message if needed.
[EDIT] I've tried on a different suspect compound from the same sample, exported from Qual 10.0 in the same way to get a .cef file, and this new .cef file is working and able to match the fragments. So it seems it's not a general software error but some issue with the compound? I tried remaking the .cef file on the first compound, but it's still not working. Any advice on what might be wrong with the compound / how to get it to run would be appreciated.