Empower3 doesn't recognize Front/Back injector configuration

Good Morning,

Just setup a 7890B GC with Empower 3 for the CDS

Built an instrument method to use both the front and back injection ports. I have a 6890N with front and back FID that we run a lot of samples on so this isn't a new method development.

+ So entering samples in the sample set, unlike with the 6890N, I cannot enter "F" or "B" to designate which injector to place the sample.

Guessing that the vials would alternate between front and back, I started the sample set and of course vial 1 loaded into the front injector and vial 2 loaded into the back injector; however, I noticed on the software that only the first row for vial 1 was highlighted. On the 6890 both of the rows are highlighted.

+ Data acquisition went well, reports printed, and then we get "Mismatch in injector configuration" when the sample sequence attempted to step to vial two... which had already been injected!

+ The reports are not correct in that the information for Vial 1 is used for both the front and back channel which could create a bit of an issue for COA/COC


So what I have:

Empower 3 on a stand alone workstation (running two other HPLC systems along with the GC)


Two G4513A injection towers

7890B GC front and back setup for FID


Anyone else in this boat?

  • You may need to check your Empower version against whatever ICF was installed to run your Agilent stuff. There could be a mismatch there.

  • Never easy...

    Guess there will be a call into Waters to find out what version of the ICF/ICS should have been installed.

  • Squawkbert is on the right track with the versioning incompatibility...


    For others that might find themselves in this situation:

    • ICS version 2.5 states in the documentation that to support Dual Tower injection mode you must have:
      • Empower 2 Service Pack H Hotfix 1
      • Empower 3 Feature Release 1
    • ICS Version 2.6 documentation does not appear to mention these requirements for Dual Tower injection mode instead listing Empower 3 Service release 1 as the minimum requirements - it is of course the version installed on the PC-workstation running the 7890GC; thus, the missing Dual Tower injection mode options.

    I guess that the lesson learned here is to go back at least two revision levels for the ICS drivers to double check the minimum requirements, and any technical notes, needed to support the features you have installed.




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