How do I upload "old" data into ICP-MS MassHunter Software v5.2 with OpenLab Server v2.7 integration?


We have just upgraded our ICP-MS MassHunter Software v5.2 with the MassHunter Workstation User Access Control Pack.

We want to make the previously recorded data available for further analysis/reviewing.

I cannot seem to find any upload tools? And simply uploading the files into the Content Management system does not allow it to be opened.

  • Hello,

    I think the only way to enter the data back is to reprocess them using offline data analysis.  If protect mode is on.  You won't be able to see the previous batches.  You may have to disabled MH UAC without protect mode for short period and reprocess your batches into content management. Once all the batches are back into content management. You can then re-enabled UAC with protect mode on.  This will make sure audit trail is maintain between runs.   You can also try to upload local batch if the option is available in the MH UAC.  


  • Unfortunately the "Upload Local Batch" is not available with OpenLab Server integration.

    reprocess your batches into content management

    Not sure how to do this? C:\Agilent\ICPMH\1\Data folder is renamed upon reactivation of the UAC - and uploading the files into the OpenLab project does not allow for it to be opened due to missing auditfiles.

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