OD measurement in BioTek Epoch 2 Microplate Spectrophotometer

Hi, I am using a BioTek Epoch 2 Microplate Spectrophotometer to study the growth of fungi mycelia in the presence of a protein, in 96-well plates. I would like to know if, when OD is measured, the beam covers all the suspension in the well or just the central zone, or other?

  • Hi Susana,

    Thank you for contacting Cell Analysis Technical Support. Unfortunately, the BIoTek part of our team is not yet on the Agilent Community. However, they can be reached at the below options:

    Phone Contact: 800-227-9770 (Option 3, option 8, option 2)

    Email Contact: bio.tac@agilent.com

    Thank you and please let me know if you have any other questions.


    Courtney Nadeau Watts

    Technical Support Scientist/Remote Engineer

    Cell Analysis Products


    Phone Contact: 800-227-9770 (Option 3 , option 8)

    Email Contact: cellanalysis.support@agilent.com

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