This Information Applies To: Agilent GC/MS MassHunter Data Acquisition Software
Preparing and running a sample is essential for data acquisition. The steps below detail how to run a single sample using an Automatic Liquid Sampler (ALS) on your GC/MS system.
Steps to follow
The following steps to run a single sample using a previously created method are demonstrated in the video shown in Figure 1.
1. Browse and select the method you wish to use.
2. Select Method > Run Method or click the large green arrow on the Instrument Control panel to display the Start Run dialog box.
3. In the Start Run dialog box, enter a Data File Name.
4. Enter the Sample Name and Misc. Info., which is optional information to be stored with your data file.
5. Enter a Sample Amount, Multiplier, and the Vial Number location where the sample is stored in the ALS tray.
Tips: When using the 7693 ALS with a G4515A Barcode Reader (BCR) tray installed, you must enter a value in the Expected Barcode field. If you are not entering a barcode value, enter the non-case sensitive string Off to disable reading of a nonexistent barcode.
6. In the Methods Section to Run box, ensure that Data Acquisition is selected. If you select the Data Analysis(MassHunter DA) which is optional and will start the quantitative data analysis program with the data file acquired after the run.
7. Click OK and Run Method.
Once you submit the single sample run, the vial number, sample name, and data file name are displayed in the sample run box and the run time is displayed above the total run time in the Run Time box.
The status box at the top-left corner shows the system in Pre-Run status, which changes to Run status after the sample is injected.
The Instrument Control panel icons are grayed out and all instrument controls except the Stop Run icon are disabled until the run is over.
Figure 1. How to run a single sample using a previously created method
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent MassHunter Software:
Agilent 7000 or 7010 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS with MassHunter Workstation e-learning paths available from Agilent education