Learn more about accurate ICP-MS standard preparation, sample introduction, diagnosis of sample introduction issues, and preventive ICP-MS maintenance guidelines. In this video we provide simple steps to improve sensitivity and accuracy, precision, and background noise of your Agilent ICP-MS results. Careful preparation of your calibration standards and use a calibration blank is critical to achieve good accuracy and low background noise. Sample introduction should be the starting point of your problem diagnosis or preventive maintenance. Early maintenance feedback (EMF) can be used to track component usage and identify any routine maintenance or replacement. This is the first of a four-part series covering routine preventative maintenance of ICP-MS Systems to improve product lifetime and result confidence.
For more information on ICP-MS Maintenance & Troubleshooting, please visit: ICP-MS Resource (agilent.com)
For ICP-MS Systems & Supplies, please visit: Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Single Quadrupole ICPMS | Agilent
To watch Part 2 on Tubing, Nebulizer Blockages, and other troubleshooting, please visit: • Troubleshooting and maintenance of IC...