This Information Applies To: Agilent 8890/8860 GC Systems
This procedure outlines the steps to view and clear the maintenance warnings on based on Agilent 8890/8860 GCs. You can also follow the onscreen instructions to perform maintenance steps, then reset the EMF counters for that particular maintenance item.
Note: For instructions on how to set up the EMF, see the article on How To Use and Configure Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) on the Agilent 8890/8860 Gas Chromatographs.
Steps to follow
1. Notice the warning exclamation mark (!) on the Maintenance ribbon, which indicates that you have one or more past due EMF.
Note: There is either yellow or red warming for either past "Service Warning" or "Service Due," respectively.
2. Click on the "Maintenance" ribbon on the top of the ribbon pan of the GC to view the past due items. For illustration, the GC inlet in this case the inlet liner age has exceeded its EMF set point.
3. If the liner age is past the service warning – the display will show a yellow warning badge in the ‘Inlets Maintenance’ screen, the ‘Maintenance’ screen, and on the ‘Maintenance’ tab on the top ribbon.
4. If the ‘Service Due’ Threshold is exceeded, the warning will turn red. In this case the service due is at three weeks:
5. Clear the ‘Service Warning’ or the ‘Service Due’ badge by completing the maintenance task or by manually resetting the counter:
a. Complete the maintenance task:
1. To Complete the Maintenance task: select "Perform Maintenance" on the inlet.
2. Select "Replace Liner" then click on " Start Maintenance." The display will show a step-by-step guide of replacing the liner. Once all the steps have been completed, the Early Maintenance Feedback counter will automatically reset.
b. Manually Reset EMF:
1.To Manually reset the Early Maintenance Feedback, select the ‘Liner Age’ from the ‘Inlets Maintenance’ screen to get back to the ‘Liner Age Settings’ window and select ‘Reset Counter’
2. Select ‘yes’ when getting an ‘Are you sure…’ message. This action will clear the ‘Service Due’ or ‘Service Warning’ badge:
Learn how to effectively maintain your Agilent 8890/8860 gas Chromatographs:
Agilent 8890 GC with OpenLab CDS e-learning paths available from Agilent education