Is there any specific method or parts to get RSD (<10%) and Linearity from 1ppb to 100ppb (>0.99) in Pesticide standards (including organo-phosphate), 7010B GC/TQ with 7890B GC system.
Is there any specific method or parts to get RSD (<10%) and Linearity from 1ppb to 100ppb (>0.99) in Pesticide standards (including organo-phosphate), 7010B GC/TQ with 7890B GC system.
Are you running in MRM mode? What type of inlet and split or splittless?
Thank you sir for your prompt response.
I am running with MRM mode and inlet is Pulsed Splitless with 280 temperature. Injection volume is 0.8 microliter.
Have you tried a 50 psi pulse for .5 minutes and purge flow to split vent of 60ml/min at .48 minutes?
Have you tried a 50 psi pulse for .5 minutes and purge flow to split vent of 60ml/min at .48 minutes?