Webinar Digest Update - 7/17/2024

The Digest of upcoming webinars has been updated as of July 17.

Check out the Perfect Your PFAS Workflows webinar series here.

Notable additions include:

  • PFAS (2)

Check Out:

  • Analysis of Multiple Elements in Lithium Salts using an Autodilution ICP-OES Workflow on July 23
  • Advanced GC/MS | GC/HR-MS Based Workflow for Extractable and Leachable Analysis on August 8
  • Applications for Predictive Dissolution Testing on July 25
  • GC and GC/MS Frequently Asked Questions on July 30
  • Getting the Most from Your Diode Array Detector: From Selection to Optimization on August 29
  • Quick and Easy Material Identification of Salts and Solvents Used in Lithium-Ion Batteries by FTIR on July 18
  • Back to the Lab with Your Fragment Analyzer and Femto Pulse on September 26
  • Benefits of Co-Solvation Methods for Non-target PFAS Analytes on July 24
  • Seminar 1 – OpenLab CDS - The Control Panel and Data Acquisition on August 6
  • Seminar 2 – OpenLab CDS – Data Analysis on August 13
  • Seminar 3 – OpenLab CDS – Custom Calculator and Reporting on August 20
  • Seminar 4 - OpenLab CDS for MS Data
  • Trace level Analysis of NonTraditional elements and MultiElement Nanoparticles in Solvents by ICP-QQQ: A Semiconductor Workshop on July 25

See the complete list here: Webinar Notifications

A listing of past recorded webinars is available here: Agilent Recorded Webinars

Thank you.

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