The Digest of upcoming webinars has been updated as of June 5.
In June, you don't want to miss the GC Live Event, GC Live is Back in June with the Next Big Little Thing in GC: The New 8850 GC System on June 6!
Check Out:
- Intelligent Analysis of Wastewaters using an Agilent ICP-MS with Integrated Autodilutor on June 11
- Applications for Predictive Dissolution Testing on July 25
- Small Size, Big Impact – Introducing the 8850 GC on June 6
- My Chromatography Has Changed: Steps for Effective Troubleshooting on June 18
- Identification of incoming raw materials in paper bags, sacks, tubs, bottles, and barrels on June 6
- From Start to Finish: How Agilent Can Support Better Decisions in IVT mRNA Based Biopharmaceutical Analysis on June 5
- Seminar 1 – OpenLab CDS - The Control Panel and Data Acquisition on July 16
- Seminar 2 – OpenLab CDS – Data Analysis on July 23
- Seminar 3 – OpenLab CDS – Custom Calculator and Reporting on July 30
- Where did “J” go? Looking back at USP/ICH Then and Now: An ICP-MS & ICP-OES Workshop on June 13
- Ultra-High Vacuum on June 12
See the complete list here: Webinar Notifications
A listing of past recorded webinars is available here: Agilent Recorded Webinars
Thank you.