The Digest of upcoming webinars has been updated as of July 11.
Notable additions include:
- Dissolution (4)
- Pharma (4)
Check Out:
- Take a deep dive with us and learn Advanced Tuning Tips and Tricks for Single Quadrupole ICP-MS on July 18
- Revolutionize your GC/MS analysis with the power of hydrogen carrier gas and AI technology – Faster, More Reliable and Efficient Results Guaranteed! on July 18
- Go with Your Gut: A Biorelevant Dissolution Media Discussion on July 27
- Agilent GC/MS Solutions for Cannabis and Hemp Testing on July 18
- It Isn’t Always the Column: Troubleshooting Your HPLC Separation on July 25
- Advanced UV-VIS Photometric Measurements: Dealing With High Absorbance Samples on July 25
- USP 621: Understand the Changes and Stay Ahead on July 14
- Seminar 1 – OpenLab CDS - The Control Panel and Data Acquisition on August 1
- Seminar 2 – OpenLab CDS – Data Analysis on July August 8
- Seminar 3 – OpenLab CDS – Custom Calculator and Reporting on August 15
- Session 4 – OpenLab CDS for MS Data on August 22
- Biopharmaceutical Raw Material Verification with Handheld Vaya Raman Spectrometer on August 3
See the complete list here: Webinar Notifications
Thank you.