Partial sequence with differents users

  1. Hello. I have a question. Our software is open lab CDS and we would like to know if is possible to do a parcial sequence, where two analysts can keep the same sequence. For example one of them starting the sequence at the morning with severals Inyections, and when the Inyections are finished, the sequence is paused, and after that, in the afternoon, the second analyst can continue the same saquence, adding the Inyections that he need to continue the análisis . Is possible? And would be possible do it with diferents profiles?, I mean, if the first analyst is logged at the morning with his user, the second analist can follow the sequence but, logging with his own user. Thank you in advance 
  • Hello,

    The workflow would change depending on the version since in older versions you cannot edit a paused sequence. You would have to manually pause the sequence before the last line and then either resume and then edit the sequence or in later versions you can edit directly. The second user would have to have the ability in the user role to edit other users running sequences and fully manage the run queue. Another possible option would be to have the sequence setup with a line that had a much longer or infinite run time as the last line. The second user could edit the sequence and then abort that injection but continue the sequence. These are not tested workflows and could cause unexpected issues that I am not aware of in some versions. 


  • Thank you for your answer.  In our laboratory we have also other version of open lab, (find it below, in the photo that I have attached).in this version of open lab is posible to do partial sequence, where at first you can launch fore example the system suitability, and after that you can continue with the problem samples, and after that other analyst can follow the sequence that other analyst started.  The first analyst can enter in to the software with his own user, and when he finish and is go to his home, he block his user and in the evening other analyst arrive and he can enter in the sequence that is running, entering with his user and password, an he can continue the sequence that the first analyst started before, or editing the sequence etc. So, now we have acquired the last version of open lab CDS, and we don't know how to do the same that the past version of open lab, I mean, if one analist enter with his user an his password, and he block the sesion, other analyst can not continue the sequence that the first one started., because he can not enter in the online module.

  • Hello,

    The newer CDS 2.x software does not have that ability to run partial sequences into the same result set as Chemstation did in the past. Also, the new software does not have a single online session per instrument. If a second users needs to use an instrument, they can open their own copy of acquisition for that same instrument. If they have the correct permissions, they can interact with the previous users running sequence to make edits. The issue you will find is if the sequence is already complete you will not be able to add data to the completed result set. If you want the data in the same original result set the sequence will need to have injections added to it. If you have at least CDS 2.7 you could add a wait line to the sequence so it will pause for a given time or until a user interacts with it. The help has information on adding wait lines. 


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