

Avrei bisogno di sapere come posso rendere, dopo la calibrazione, fermi i dati del rapporto Amt/Area. Da quando abbiamo installato la versione diversa da quella che avevamo di OpenLab CDS for GC system ogni volta che prendo i picchi questo rapporto cambia e non rimane stabile come invece dovrebbe essere.

Cosa posso fare?


  • Hello,

    I translated the post below, but I may still be missing something. I am not absolutely sure if this is the question, and if not please let me know. You will see a different RF (Amt/Area) for each peak if your calibration regression is anything other than Ave RF or linear with a force origin and no weighting. You can see an example below. 

    Curve Model - Linear Origin - Include or Ignore 

    Curve Model - Linear Origin - Force

    Good morning,
    I would need to know how I can make the Amt/Area ratio data still after calibration. Since we installed the version different from the one we had of OpenLab CDS for GC system, every time I take the peaks this ratio changes and does not remain stable as it should be.
    What can I do?
    Thank you
  • Good morning.
    We analyze fatty acids and The compound response factor of each fatty acid before the softwere changed remained fixed now it changes. I tried to copy the various parameters set in the other gas chromatograph which has its own softwere, but without solving the problem.
    I hope I have been clear and sorry for my English.
    Thank you

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