Error: User Change (Unlock) failed, because instrument access is not permitted for user. Logging Out User


I am getting the following error on OpenLab CDS Chemstation Edition (Rev. C01.10 [287]): "User Change (Unlock) failed, because instrument access is not permitted for user. Logging Out User". We are initially able to login once, but then when the software times out after 10 minutes of inactivity, we cannot login again without rebooting Chemstation.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?


Theresa Shipley

Apertus Pharmaceuticals, Ballwin, Missouri

  • Theresa,

    Is this a client server install or just a workstation? Does this happen with users that have the everything role in the control panel? Are you trying to login with the same credentials or is this for a different user.

    Marty Adams

  • Hello Marty,

    This is just one workstation.  This happens to every analyst who logs in to use this LC.  As far as if it happens to the "everything role", not sure.  I am assuming that you mean an administrator role?  I do know that my manager recently used this instrument and she has admin access.  She is having the same issue.  Four different users have now used this instrument and all have the same issue referenced above.

    We do have the 21CFR security option enabled with full audit trail.  We are a GMP laboratory. 

    Thank you so much for your response!

    Theresa Shipley

  • Hello,

    If the admin role is also not working, then I am not sure what could cause that issue, since it is not a permission issue. I would suggest opening a ticket with your local support group for someone to look into this issue. It sounds like a problem with the authentication where the session is losing connection to the OLSS service. 


  • OK, thank you for your insights into this issue.  I am wondering if it is an software installation issue?  I so know that sometimes a software installation does not execute properly for some unknown reason.  Maybe we need to install the software again to fix this issue?

    Again, thank you so much for your time.

    Theresa Shipley

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