Hi everyone,
My lab would like to automate the generation of the full report as a PDF every time a sample is analysed. Could I do that via macros? Otherwise, what solutions are there for the automation?
Thank you!
Best regards,
Yew Mun
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Hi everyone,
My lab would like to automate the generation of the full report as a PDF every time a sample is analysed. Could I do that via macros? Otherwise, what solutions are there for the automation?
Thank you!
Best regards,
Yew Mun
Hi yipy0005 welcome to the Community!
I moved your question to the Chromatography Software Forum for better visibility.
What version of Chemstation are you using? You should be able to select to create a pdf report in the method for each injection using either classic or IR reports. Older revisions of Chemstation may not have the same options. The version should be in the format C.01.11, where the letter could be A B or C.
Hi Marty!
Thanks for replying to my query! Much appreciated!
We are able to create a PDF report but we would like the report to be automatically created after a sample analysis is done instead of having to click the buttons to create the report manually every time.
Yew Mun
Can you tell me the version of the Chemstation software? If you have the report setup in the method and have selected pdf as the file type it should be created when the injection is done. Are you doing single injections or running a sequence?
Hi Marty,
I am Yew Mun colleague.
Thanks for your help. we run samples in sequence. The ChemStation version we have is . I will try to setup the report in method and let you know how it goes.