Acquisition and processing method do not exist when try to run sequence


We have two HPLC 1260 Infinity II systems. On occasion when users try to run sequences that have assigned acq and processing methods an error pops up saying acq method doesn't exist. They then search for the acq method and drag down the sequence. They try to run the sequence again and the same error pops up for the processing method. Has anyone else experienced this and resolved it?



  • Hello,

    Is this a workstation or client server system? Are you copying sequences from project to project? When the user browses for the methods are they present in the methods folder root or a subfolder. 


  • Hi Marty, thanks for the speedy reply! I copied the sequences from another HPLC system, only one project used on each system. Yes all methods are present, I checked in the C drive too. Users have to reselect the acq and processing methods and then fill down the sequence each time. I thought it was a user issue at first as it happened on some occasions with particular users. It stopped for a while and now it seems to affect everyone (on just the one system- other system ok).

  • Hello,

    So, file based workstations store the full path to the methods in the sequences. If there is any change between the systems in the project path this is the expected behavior if you copy a sequence. If you open the sequence, browse out and find the methods, fill down, and then save the sequence, does the same thing happen the next time you open that sequence. The other question is do you have the same software version including updates on the 2 systems?


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