Getting rsds of samples without reprocessing sequence

Is it possible to get the RSD % of samples without reprocessing the sequence? 

I am using hplc Agilent chemstation software . 

during the run, I will have to check that the RSD of the samples do not exceed a certain percentage . I know that I can get the RSD of the samples by creating a calibration and then reprocessing the whole sequence again . However during a run, the reprocess button is greyed out and I cannot reprocess yet I will like to check the RSD% too. 

I hope to get some answers regarding the possibility of this. 

thank you! 

Parents Reply
  • I can use the review tab with an IR summary report in the offline instrument only when I create a calibration, save the sequence method with the calibration and re-process with the calibration. Otherwise, I cannot see the RSD.  However, when the sequence is running, I can't reprocess. Is there any way to generate the RSD without the need for re-processing? Or is it possible to re-process the sequence even though it is still running?

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