Chemstation How to Print Sequence Table


I would like to print the Sequence Table that has my list of samples, the chosen method, etc. There is a "Print Sequence Template..." option, but the printout for that is each individual sample rather than just a copy of the table.

Is there an easy way to do this that I am just missing?

Thank you!

  • Hello,

    You can change the behavior to the smaller table format if needed. Make a backup copy of your Chemstation.ini file before making any changes. If you have a newer version the Chemstation ini file will be in a new location. C:\ProgramData\Agilent Technologies\ChemStation\ChemStation.ini


    ChemStation revision B.04.02 and C.01.0x uses a new format for the sequence printout. In this format there are separate sections for each of the sequence lines rather than just a condensed table. The separate sections allow for enough space to print long text information.

    Some customers have requested to be able to continue using the previous format for the sequence printout.




    In order to return to the old format for the sequence printout, the following statement has to be added to the [PCS] section of the \Windows\ChemStation.ini file


    The change will be effective the next time ChemStation is restarted.

  • Thank you for the information. 

    I tried editing the .ini file. The line "PrintSeqOldLayout=1" was not there so I added that line at the end of the [PCS] section. However, after saving the file and restarting the software, I didn't notice any changes when "Print Sequence Template..." was selected.

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