openlab cds 2.7 install issues

I'm trying to install Openlab CDS 2.7 on Windows 10.  When running the system preparation tool, everything passes test except the Ports Check -configuration: 'workstation ' and it says FAIL.  I tried to run the recheck and repair, but it still fails.  Any suggestions?  Thanks

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    You will likely need to open a request with your local Agilent support for this issue. The most likely issue with the port check is port 80 is being used by Microsoft WWW or branched cache services. If those services are running, they need to be stopped and disabled. If you cannot disable them, then talk to your IT about change the ports those service use. You can also open a command prompt and run netstat as below to see if another process is using port 80. We have seen a couple of AV solutions that used port 80 on the client. If those are not the issue, then our support group will need to look at the logs from the port check. 

    netstat -ano | findstr 80


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