Is it possible to calculate recuperation of QC Check with a Calibrate Curve?

Hi! My name is Yuri and I'm new at the community. I would like to know if is it possible to calculate recuperation of QC Check with a Calibrate Curve?

I already put my QC Check amount at a Compound Custom Fields.

I would like to calculate my QC Check by the formula:

QC Check Concentration / Standard Concentration * 100

With someone could help me I will be thankful

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  • i'm familiar with this way when I used to do with one concentration but when I tried to do the same way that you show me, I don't have any response. Are your example a calibration curve?

  • Hello,

    In your example screen shots, you have several columns which means you have multiple compound custom fields. You should not need more than one compound custom field for a recovery calculation. The example I did is for 3 check standard injections from a calibrated method. As I had 3 different check standard levels, I entered different values for the compounds in each check standard injection where the values were used for the calculations. As long as I had the compound custom field values entered, the peaks were integrated, identified, and quantitated the calculation was done. Where I see some people go wrong is they do not understand for compound custom fields you have independent values for each compound per injection. Fill down does not work in that column in DA, you have to copy paste that table between injections. 


  • Thank you so much again, Martin! My error was to put the value in the wrong column. Now I see the reason of your photo is the Yoda! Thank you, master!

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