Calculate first derivate in OpenLab CDS

Dear Community,

 Ist it possible to calculate the first derivate of the intensity data recorded at a certain wavelength? Or do I need to export the dataset to an external software to do that?

Greetings, Edina

  • Hello,

    Can you say what software you are asking about in the post OpenLab Chemstation, CDS 2.x or EZChrom? Typically, in each software the standard reporting tools do not have access to the raw data points. There might be some options with Chemstation macros or SDKs(software developer kits) for the other 2, but those would require custom programming. 


  • Hello,

    Can you say what software you are asking about in the post OpenLab Chemstation, CDS 2.x or EZChrom? Typically, in each software the standard reporting tools do not have access to the raw data points. There might be some options with Chemstation macros or SDKs(software developer kits) for the other 2, but those would require custom programming. 


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