openlab cds 2.5 intelligent report


I need help for intelligent report with openlab 2.5

Thank you for your help


  • Hello,

    You cannot directly use a table to display the data in that format. You can use a matrix object, but that object type has limitations on presentation options. If you must use a table object, then you would have to store the other compound results as injection indexed variables, to display them in the same table as columns. See the table objects, compare two compounds, for an example of that process.  


  • Hello,

    You cannot directly use a table to display the data in that format. You can use a matrix object, but that object type has limitations on presentation options. If you must use a table object, then you would have to store the other compound results as injection indexed variables, to display them in the same table as columns. See the table objects, compare two compounds, for an example of that process.  


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