Isoabsorbance plot Spectral graph and Jet graph modules are missing? How can i bring back

This image is from HELP document where BLUE JET Isoabsorbance plot and spectral graph are able to see,

But in Open lab CDS software of mine the second image the JET and spectral graph are not visible how can i get them 

  • Hello,

    It looks like someone has resized that section of the window to make it full screen. You should be able to move to the edges and find the dividing lines then click and drag them back to reduce the size to restore the other sections of that window. If not just reset the user setting back to default. You can click on file in the ribbon bar and get to the options tab to reset user settings.


  • Hello,

    It looks like someone has resized that section of the window to make it full screen. You should be able to move to the edges and find the dividing lines then click and drag them back to reduce the size to restore the other sections of that window. If not just reset the user setting back to default. You can click on file in the ribbon bar and get to the options tab to reset user settings.


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