Weird results when asking Peak to peak noise calculation on EIC GCMS openlab CDS


I have tried to perform peak to peak noise calculation on a result set that contains 65 target compound. 

Usually it when ok but some of the compounds have weird results. 

First, some have no result at all. 

Some have way to high S/N values. 

I don't know what's wrong. Can it be a software bug? 

thank you for your help

  • Hello,

    I would guess there is some issue with the blank you are using in that time segment. You can display the noise for that region in the results to see if the value is zero or extremely low. You will probably need to open a support ticket either with the customer service number for your region or informatics support if you are a client server customer. Agilent will need to look at the results that exhibit the issue and we cannot share those on the community site. 

    Marty Adams

  • Hello,

    I would guess there is some issue with the blank you are using in that time segment. You can display the noise for that region in the results to see if the value is zero or extremely low. You will probably need to open a support ticket either with the customer service number for your region or informatics support if you are a client server customer. Agilent will need to look at the results that exhibit the issue and we cannot share those on the community site. 

    Marty Adams

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