Trouble shooting intelligent report generation

Troubleshooting report generation in Chemstation.  We have successfully generated 100s of reports using the report template and reprocessing when a run is disrupted.  I have to sequences that have failed to run a report and I can't get it to via our usual methods.  When I hit the reprocessing  icon it pops up with a message that I can not run the sequence offline.  Any one else encounter this and succeed at generating a report. I don't want to manually enter 100 samples worth of chromatograph data. TIA

  • Hello,


    If you are receiving an error that you cannot run the sequence offline when you try to reprocess the affected result sets, then you are dealing an issue that is bigger than just not being able to generate reports. 


    You mention that this happens sometimes when the sequence fails. I am interpreting that to mean the sequence does not complete normally due to a ChemStation crash, loss of communication with the instrument, etc... I suspect that the problem is caused by the result set sequence template still being in an "Acquisition" mode since it was never converted to a "Reprocessing-only" sequence template which normally occurs when a sequence finishes acquisition. 


    To check this, load one of the affected result sets in Data Analysis and then go to Sequence>Sequence Parameters. In the Sequence Parameters tab there is a section labeled 'Part of method to run'. In a normal result set sequence template this dropdown menu would be grayed out and the option for 'Reprocessing Only' would be selected like below:



    If instead the dropdown is not grayed out and you have options such as 'According to Runtime Checklist' or 'Acquisition Only' then this confirms that the sequence template was not properly converted to a reprocessing template and still is stuck in an Acquisition mode. 


    There are some commands that can be used in the ChemStation command line to resolve this issue. Let me know if you need them and I can provide them to you.

  • Hi!


    Yes! This is exactly my problem! I would really appreciate the help to get our data into a report. Thank you!




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