How to combine multiple calibration curves into a single processing method in Openlab CDS?

I am seeking tips on how to create combine multiple calibration curves into a single processing method in Openlab CDS. Specifically, if I already have a multi-compound method, how do I add additional calibration curves to the master method? I created a processing method that contains all of the compounds of interest, but I ran the calibrations in different sequences.  How do I get all calibration curves into the one master method? 

  • Hi  

    You could combine the result sets containing each calibration curve into a single result set and reprocess with your multi-analyte processing method.

    In OpenLab CDS, open all of the result sets, right click on each of the result set names and Add to new result set; a + will appear to the right of each injection.  There's a button on the processing tab of the ribbon that can create a new result set from all of the selected injections.  You may need to have a look at the Sample type of each of the injections in the new result set with all of the injections.  Reprocess, update master method and you will have a multi-component calibrated method!


  • Hi Andy - thanks for your reply!  I actually tried the opposite in that I ran 5 consecutive single compound calibrations in the one sequence.  The issue is that each compound shared levels 1 through 5 and often additional points would appear in a given curve from injections of other compounds when small peaks or baseline artefacts were counted as compound of interest.  I can manually deselect these undesired points in the calibration list, but it is a pain!  In contrast I did not have this issue when I used a multi-compound calibration, as each level was only used once in a sequence.

  • Hello,

    If you need to run standards in multiple mixes the easiest way to deal with that is to use sperate levels for the different mixes. For instance, if I had 3 standard mixes each with 3 levels, I would create a calibration table with 9 levels. In this case standard mix 1 would be levels 1-3, mix 2 4-6, and mix 3 7-9. The levels where the compounds are not expected just leave the values blanks. If you recalibrated the method, make sure to only use clear at level do not clear all. 


  • Hello,

    If you need to run standards in multiple mixes the easiest way to deal with that is to use sperate levels for the different mixes. For instance, if I had 3 standard mixes each with 3 levels, I would create a calibration table with 9 levels. In this case standard mix 1 would be levels 1-3, mix 2 4-6, and mix 3 7-9. The levels where the compounds are not expected just leave the values blanks. If you recalibrated the method, make sure to only use clear at level do not clear all. 


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