The problem occurred after updating Openlab CDS Software 2.2 Version to 2.4 Version.

Welcome everybody,

The problem occurred after updating Openlab CDS Software 2.2 Version to 2.4 Version.

GC# 7890B With FID , and TCD Detector 

OpenLab CDS Software 2.4

After installing the software version 2.4 and after a gas sample injection I noticed that there is no molle % and weight %, as shown in the ached image,

After many attempts to show the mole %, the weight%, and the Calculations, I came, I noticed the following,

I found two cases،

In the First case when I have injecting a sample of gas Then I'm choosing , No Injection/ Instrument Blank , From Autosamler Column , The sample Calculations were not included injected, mole % and Weight %, Image attached

In the second Case ,

Then I have injected the same sample with the same conditions, 

But in this case I changed, Instrument Blank , From Autosamler Column, I changed them to "Extenal " from Autosamler Column, 

In this case the sample Calculations appeared, mole % and Weight %. , As shown in the attached image

The question is here,

Is there another way to show Calculations in the first case, In case of automatic sample injectionBy choosing Instrument Blank , From Autosamler Column .??

Best Regards,  

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