Processing a sequence of single injections with blanks


I created and ran a sequence of single injections and now I'm having trouble processing the data. I ran the sequence as single injections because I wanted to view the results of the injections as they came in, instead of having to wait for the entire sequence to run before I looked at any of the results.

My sequence has two run methods and I included a blank run for each method (which ran before any of my samples for that method). In the OpenLab Data Analysis window, when I load my injections and set the processing method to subtract "Use blanks defined in the sequence", I get a warning: "Blank subtraction not possible for single injections". I could select a specific blank to use, but I need to subtract the correct blank for different injections and it's not clear how to set the blank on a per-injection basis. 

I've tried creating a new result set with these injections, but they are added in a random order, not ordered by injection time or injection number, and in particular the blanks are not in the correct spot. So some injections in the new result set are before the blank (despite being injected after the blank) and no blank can be identified. Other injections are after the wrong blank (the blank for the other method), so the blank subtraction is not working as intended.

What's the best way to handle blank subtraction in this scenario? I see the option to manually re-order my injections when creating the new result set but there seems to be no way to order by injection time. 

  • Hello,

    Please note you can use snapshot and view completed results in acquisition to view results as injections are running or view any completed injections in an acquiring result set without collecting the sequence as single injections. In this case as you have found you can create a new sequence from the injections and order them as needed, but this is a manual process. The other option would be to create separate processing methods each with a different blank selected. 

    Marty Adams

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