"An attempt to download settings to the GC was prevented because the settings are not compatible with the GC configuration"

Full error message is:

An attempt to download settings to the GC was prevented because the settings are not compatible with the GC configuration

In the GC configuration panel that will appear next, either click "Get GC configuration" and OK to resolve the mismatch or click cancel to leave the mismatch unresolved.

This error is popping up on an 8890 ECD that originally shipped with Openlab CDS 2.4 that was removed in favor of an older chemstation software. This error pops up when column information is changed and you go to load a new method that still has the old column settings. Get GC configuration does not solve the error and even if you try to load the method where the columns are correct this error will pop up again and again.

Last time I fixed this by reinstalling chemstation and building all new methods again, but I don't want to do that every time we switch columns. Any thoughts on this one?


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