OpenLab Report - Calibration Curve

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Former Member


I am creating a calibration curve report with the Calib Curve by Compound. 

I want the value for A to be the average of six standard injections. Currently, it is displaying the value of the final standard. 
How can I get it to display the average value?

Also, is there a way to show the multiplier value (standard concentration) within the report?


  • Hi Gabriel,

    When you create your sequence, you can denote the injections as Cal. Std. and their level (which point in the cal curve, if they are all the same concentration use level 1). Then you can call the average value by =CurrentCalibrationCurve.AverageResponse(1)

    In CurrentCalibrationCurve.AverageResponse(1), the (1) refers to the level number you would like an average value for.

  • Hi Gabriel,

    When you create your sequence, you can denote the injections as Cal. Std. and their level (which point in the cal curve, if they are all the same concentration use level 1). Then you can call the average value by =CurrentCalibrationCurve.AverageResponse(1)

    In CurrentCalibrationCurve.AverageResponse(1), the (1) refers to the level number you would like an average value for.

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