Problems with automated analysis and license breakdown?

We are running long term tests with multiple GC analysis, automatically controlled from LabVIEW via ActiveX communication with OpenLab EZChrom.

We recently had an event in the EZChrom software creating problems;

suddenly midway through the tests, the analysis started to fail. The communication seemed to fail,

resulting in an error that suggested OpenLab couldn’t locate its core license. The problem was solved by entering off-line EZChrom software to copy license, erase license and ultimately re-paste license. Communication returned, and the test could continue.


Anybody seen these strange things that the license system seems to break down during testing ?

Rather hopeless bug to fight with......



  • Hello,


    What revision of OpenLab EZChrom are you running? You can determine this by going to Help>About.

  • Thanks for the quick reply.


    The behavior you are describing does not really make sense to me. Licensing is only checked when the instrument session is launched, so if you lose connection to the license server or the license somehow becomes corrupt like you're describing it should not cause a sequence to abort. 


    There is an update for A.04.09 that makes some changes to the Automation Tool Kit which I assume is what you are using to interface to EZChrom with, but once the sequence is submitted the ATK would not really be involved while it is acquiring. 


    The only thing that I can think of is that there was a network disruption that occurred during the sequence which caused it to abort. This might have also caused you to lose communication to the license server temporarily which would explain the license error you referred to. Without doing an in depth analysis of your logs I cannot say anything more conclusive. 


    You might want to reach out to your local support (Contact Us | Agilent ) if you would like someone to review the logs and investigate further. If this is a client/server installation then you can also submit a Lab Informatics ticket request support. 

  • Ryoboyle

    I am not using a sequence.

    I am using a series of single-run analysis.

    Starting one by one, as they are needed, when they are needed.

    How does this affect your comments ?


  • Ryoboyle

    I'm checking with my clients who experienced the problem, if they have anything to add to the discussion.

    Meantime; "There is an update for A.04.09 that makes some changes to the Automation Tool Kit which I assume is what you are using to interface to EZChrom with", can you say something more about that update, and whats changed in the Automation Toolkit ?


  • Martin,


    The statement I made in my previous reply still stands. Just to test this point I launched an instrument, removed the license completely from the OLCP, then performed a single run. The lack of a valid license did not prevent the single run from completing successfully as the license is only checked when an instrument session is launched. 

  •  Martin,


    Below is the relevant section from the A.04.09 Update 04 Release Note:


    Update to OpenLab CDS EZChrom Edition Automation Took Kit (ATK)
    EZChrom ATK now supports system configuration with data management systems:
    Content Management (OpenLab Server/ECM XT, version 2.4 and later), and ECM (version 3.5 and later versions).

    Certain advanced data management system features are not available through the EZChrom ATK, such as access to different versions of method or results, and administrative functions of the data management systems.

    Backward Compatibility
    Automation programs developed based on older version of OpenLab CDS EZChrom Edition ATK, where file path is specified to local storage folder, are expected to work without change.

    If you intended to install OpenLab Sample Scheduler in your system, don’t set up AFS as it is not supported by OpenLab Sample Scheduler.

    This update will not function with the legacy ATK application of EZChrom Elite 332 era. The OpenLAB CDS EZChrom Edition ATKBCR OpenLAB CDS EZChrom A.04.09 Update 02 is required for legacy EZChrom Elite ATK.
  •  Martin,


    Below is the relevant section from the A.04.09 Update 04 Release Note:


    Update to OpenLab CDS EZChrom Edition Automation Took Kit (ATK)
    EZChrom ATK now supports system configuration with data management systems:
    Content Management (OpenLab Server/ECM XT, version 2.4 and later), and ECM (version 3.5 and later versions).

    Certain advanced data management system features are not available through the EZChrom ATK, such as access to different versions of method or results, and administrative functions of the data management systems.

    Backward Compatibility
    Automation programs developed based on older version of OpenLab CDS EZChrom Edition ATK, where file path is specified to local storage folder, are expected to work without change.

    If you intended to install OpenLab Sample Scheduler in your system, don’t set up AFS as it is not supported by OpenLab Sample Scheduler.

    This update will not function with the legacy ATK application of EZChrom Elite 332 era. The OpenLAB CDS EZChrom Edition ATKBCR OpenLAB CDS EZChrom A.04.09 Update 02 is required for legacy EZChrom Elite ATK.
  • Ryoboyle

    I have to come back to this one, as the problem does not go away, it seems. Additional comments now; I can confirm that the license error message is turning up when the software is started. I haven't experienced the problem myself, just reporting from others.

    The problem is that during use, the OpenLAB EZChrom breaks down, and when restarting the EZChrom software, the error message pops up. 

    See picture below. My collegue got this on her office computer, doing reintegration, no LabVIEW automation involved at all, so it seems to be a pure OpenLAB EZChrom software issue. Two strategies sems to work;

      • Using OpenLab software, copying license to clipboard, deleting license and ultimately pasting license back to software
      • Reboot computer

    Any more ideas how this could be fixed ?




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