Chemstation: Difficulty in generating a batch report for some/all of my data files in a sequence in an Excel format


I am having trouble generation a single batch report with peak retention time and peak area for all of my samples in a sequence. All samples in the sequences were run as ‘samples’. There is no designated ‘calibration’ or ‘control’ runs in the sequence.  We export peak retention times and peak areas for each peak in the samples, external standards and internal standards we run and do all calculations in Excel, not in Chemstation.

After batch processing, I can successfully print/export the required raw data for a single run or data file (see screenshot below) using the Report tab, Print report

Page 1 and Page 3 of  Single Data file Report, (page 2 = chromatogram - no screenshot)

However, when I use the ‘Batch, Batch Output’ I cannot successfully generate a single batch report containing the Retention Times and the Peak Areas of the peaks in each run in the sequence. See the screenshots below of the Options for the Batch Review as well as the report I manage to generate:

Could you please assist? I am aware that support for the version of Chemstation we are using is limited – B02.04 (244). - Thank you.

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