OpenLab ChemStation rev C.01.05

Hello group,

Could you tell me the minimum requirements to install the software OpenLab ChemStation rev C.01.05?

I have searched but I can't find any information.

  • Hello ,

    The installation requirements for most Agilent software packages can often be found in a readme file or some other document on the installation media/disks. For OL ChemStation these are found on Disk 1 in the folder Docs and then ENU (or for newer versions folders en and then Manuals) for the English documents.

    From the CDS_hw_sw-requirements.pdf for that revision here are the requirements.

  • Hello ,

    The installation requirements for most Agilent software packages can often be found in a readme file or some other document on the installation media/disks. For OL ChemStation these are found on Disk 1 in the folder Docs and then ENU (or for newer versions folders en and then Manuals) for the English documents.

    From the CDS_hw_sw-requirements.pdf for that revision here are the requirements.

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