Processing method acceptance criteria

My manager is wanting me to add pass/fail system suitability assessments to my reports/processing methods.  In order to limit my validation work and minimize the number of report templates that I am maintaining, I am trying to keep the report adaptive.  What would be the best options for me to keep the report universal while adjusting for the different limits I have between methods?  My project structure is by method, so I was thinking I would use sample custom fields for all of the different limits, but I don't know if that is ideal, or if I'm using a hammer to force a square peg into a round hole.  Is there a way I could get the limits into the processing method itself without creating a unique *.ccf file for each processing method?

In my report I was thinking of creating a boolean variable and setting it to true, then for each possible system suitability criteria, if there is a failure, the variable would be changed to false, else the variable would be unchanged.  This way, any instance of a failure would change the variable, but later passing values would not mask an earlier failure.

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