Intelligent Reporting

I'm trying to extract the sample name from and injection. The injections are already filtered. The strength of these sample names can differ so the table width is too short sometimes.
Can please someone help me with getting the right expression to place in my text field? It's difficult to find the correct expressions and functions/

  • Hi 

    Sample name is easy, the correct field is Sample_Name.  I don't understand what you mean by injection.  if you mean the number corresponding to replicate injections, then the value is Injection_OrderNo.

    So, if you wanted a column with something like "SampleA replicate 1" you need to add a custom column to the table

    =Sample_Name + " replicate " + CStr(Injection_OrderNo)

    Note that you have to use CStr to convert the Injection_OrderNo from a number to text.

    Is this the answer to your question, or did I get the question wrong?

    You'll maybe need to make the column containing this value wider to fit all of the information in!!


    P.S,  Just read the question again and I think that I may have answered a different question although the answer may be contained in the comment above!

  • Hi 

    Sample name is easy, the correct field is Sample_Name.  I don't understand what you mean by injection.  if you mean the number corresponding to replicate injections, then the value is Injection_OrderNo.

    So, if you wanted a column with something like "SampleA replicate 1" you need to add a custom column to the table

    =Sample_Name + " replicate " + CStr(Injection_OrderNo)

    Note that you have to use CStr to convert the Injection_OrderNo from a number to text.

    Is this the answer to your question, or did I get the question wrong?

    You'll maybe need to make the column containing this value wider to fit all of the information in!!


    P.S,  Just read the question again and I think that I may have answered a different question although the answer may be contained in the comment above!

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