flexnet licensing error

Please, can you help me with a problem? 

When I open the off-line of the OPEN LAB CDS Chemstation software.

 I get the following error:


Can someone tell me what actions can I take to solve the problem?


I look forward to your valuable comments.


Best regards, 



  • Hello,

    Do you still need help with this error? If so, the first thing to check would be the status of the license in the OpenLab Control Panel. You can do this by going to the Administration view and selecting 'Licenses' on the left-hand navigation pane. Is there a license file listed as being installed on your system and, if so, is its status 'Valid'? 

    OpenLab licensing is commonly broken by users changing either the PC name or a MAC address on their system. When a license file is generated in Subscribenet, it is linked to a particular PC name and MAC address, meaining that if the PC name and/or MAC address that is saved in the license file no longer matches your PC's current configuration then the license will show as invalid.  

  • Hello,

    Do you still need help with this error? If so, the first thing to check would be the status of the license in the OpenLab Control Panel. You can do this by going to the Administration view and selecting 'Licenses' on the left-hand navigation pane. Is there a license file listed as being installed on your system and, if so, is its status 'Valid'? 

    OpenLab licensing is commonly broken by users changing either the PC name or a MAC address on their system. When a license file is generated in Subscribenet, it is linked to a particular PC name and MAC address, meaining that if the PC name and/or MAC address that is saved in the license file no longer matches your PC's current configuration then the license will show as invalid.  

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