How can I add timed group (isomers) in the OpenLAB Intelligent Report?

How can I add timed group (isomers) in the OpenLAB Intelligent Report  for the printed version, ty!

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for the information. 


    The easiest way to add timed group results to a report template would be to add the Tables>Peaks and Compounds>Summed Peaks table to the template. This is a pre-built table that is setup to report results for both timed and named groups. 


    If you want the groups results to report in the same table as other peak results, then you will need to make sure that there are no filters on the table preventing the group results from populating. Timed groups correspond to a compound_type = 3, so check the table filters to make sure that there is not a filter for Compound_Type <> 3, and if there is then remove the filter. 

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