Peak Purity in OpenLab CDS 2.3

Dear All,

we are using OpenLab CDS 2.3 Version and i have done some trial with force degradation of API and using the OpenLab CDS 2.3 version gave some weird result of peak purity and spectra with standard and degraded sample. Using 50% threshold value in the standard sample solution i am still getting peak purity failing and while in the degraded sample shows more pure then in standard which is not making any sense. I have attached the screen short to see if any one can help with the following point. There are 2 pic attached in the first pic sample (API) with 0.5M HCl and in the second pic it pure standard SST solution. further in the 2nd pic i overlaid the SST and sample solution if you see the spectrum is not matching at all.  

  1. what is the purity in term of regulations
  2. how we can set up the threshold value in OpenLab CDS.
  3. will the sample concertation will have an impact on peak purity.  Regard
  • Dear Royboyle,


    Thank you for you email, i am still having issue with peak purity at 50% sensitivity the peak purity of standard is failing and when i change the sensitivity to 40% then it passes, i am bit confused now what is the standard guideline regarding the peak purity threshold and sensitivity value set up. I am not sure why for the standard solution the peak purity is failing can any one please guide me. this not taking anywhere. 

    What is the legal requirement in term of regulation how much we can change the sensitivity if you changed to some how 10% or 20% off-course it will pass the peak purity. 


  • Personally, all I can tell you how is how OpenLab CDS calculates results. I do not know what regulatory requirements your lab needs to conform to so I cannot weigh in on that side of things. 

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