OpenLab CDS "not enough license features"

We have OpenLab 2.1 (with content manger) running our GC and LC systems. We have successfully been running 2 x GC and 6 x LC systems however this morning on two of the systems we can see the following error:



Failed to connect to the instrument.

Not enough license feature(s) -AgilentOpenLabinstcontrol.


The error is related to two systems we have been re-configuring - we have been attempting to move a third party detector from one of the systems to another and therefore have reconfigured them under Control Panel. The total number of licenses we have has not changed, nor has the total number of instruments/modules changed so we are assuming this is a glitch...


Extra info

The systems that have not been modified are still working as they should.

The two inoperable systems are running on two different AIC's

We haven't altered any of the license settings etc.



  • If you have an issue with a distributed system, I suggest you reach out to the software help desk

  • I will second 's recommendation that you contact the Lab Informatics Help Desk for any client/server system support requests. 


    Depending on what the third party detectors were that you added to your systems they might require additional licenses. The error at least is indicating that you are short some Instrument Connection licenses. The fact that the instruments are on different AICs should not play any role in licensing since both AICs would be using the same license server. You can check how many licenses are registered on your system as well as how many are currently in use by going to the Administration tab in the OpenLab Control Panel, then going to Licenses>View Licenses. 

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