EZChrom A.04.06 Export Reports to Labview?

Hello All,


I am new to using this 490 Micro GC running EZChrom version A.04.06 and I need it to export reports that can be picked up with LabVIEW. How can I set it up to automatically send out complete reports that have been run through my chosen method and saved as a text or excel file that can be easily translated with LabVIEW?


Thanks in advance for the help,



  • Hello,


    In OpenLab EZChrom you can design a custom report template which can be used to automatically export results to a .txt or .xls file. The file type that you want to work with will dictate what type of report template you want to use. An Intelligent Report template (*.rdl file) can be used to export a .xls report while an Advanced Report template (*.tpl file) can be used to export a .txt file. Both of these styles of report templates can be customized to only include the results that you wish report. To open the different report editors, just go to File>Open and select either Intelligent Report or Advanced Report.


    Once you have a report template set up, the next step is to edit your method so that it automatically exports the .xls or .txt file to your desired location. To do this, go to Method>Advanced. This will open the Advanced Method Options window. In the Advanced Reports tab (below), you can then set up a report export:



    Hopefully this helps.

  • One quick question, what do I need to do if I don’t have the “Advanced Reports” Tab under Advanced Method Options?


    Best Regards,


    Jeff Mehan

    [Personal Information Removed by Moderator]

  • Hello,


    If you do not see the Advanced Reports tab in the Advanced Method Options that that usually means that you are using a Compact license with your EZChrom installation which will limit the features available in your software. Are you able to verify whether you are using a Compact license or not? You should be able to determine this by looking in your subscribenet account.


    If you do in fact have a Compact license then, unfortunately, the only way to get the Advance Reports tab would be to purchase a full license for your OpenLab EZChrom software.

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